Saturday, 29 September 2012

Word Cards

A friend got Pickle a lovely See and Spell set for her birthday, and it's been put to great use in lots of ways.  She's also enjoyed drawing round the letters to make her own words (or more often non words. She loves making me sound out weird collections of letters to her!).  We made some more cards by drawing an object, then drawing round the letters.

To take this one stage further, I made some cards with different words, where only the initial sound was changed (hat, cat, mat, rat were the ones I started with,) then drew a picture of each on four separate cards.  She then found the letters for each word, spelling out as she went, and tried to match the picture to the word.  It's been a helpful way to focus on initial sounds, and early step towards reading.

I didn't laminate them, as they were a bit of a rush job, but I noticed she's been writing over the letters.  I think I will make more and laminate them so she can use pen to draw over the letters, then wipe clean.

On the literacy theme, he's been very taken with the Reading Eggs programme.  I was very sceptical about this, as I felt uncomfortable about using a screen as teacher, especially at such a young age, but her enthusiasm has bubbled over into real life activities.  She's been happily forming words that she has learnt on-line using her wooden letters, and thoroughly enjoying herself!

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